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2022 GAJE Conference will continue the long-appreciated practice and include a Training of Trainers (TOT) as part of the conference program. This year, the TOT will consist of two parts, the first taking place before the main conference program on Sunday 11th December (tentatively 10 AM to 5:30 PM), the second taking place after the main conference program on Thursday 15th December (tentatively 9:30 AM to 3 PM).

The goal of the first day is to provide a head start to participants with limited experience with clinical legal education in order to increase the benefits of their participation in the main conference, while the second day is intended as a follow-up to main conference program to deepen the mastery in advanced skills, which the participants will acquire during the main conference program. 

The first day will therefore consist of three main parts, dealing with designing a clinic, creating lesson plans and applying interactive teaching methods, and providing and receiving feedback. The second day will focus on communication skills, be it between students and clients, students and supervisors or in other settings, and training in different connected aspects, such as learning how to teach skills, and to address biases or other ethical issues related to professional communication.

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