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From the outset, one of GAJE’s main goals has been to convene global conferences on justice education at locations accessible and affordable for persons from developing countries.  GAJE’s inaugural conference was held in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, in December 1999. Since then GAJE has held ten more worldwide conferences in different parts of the world: Durban, South Africa (December 2001); Krakow, Poland (July 2004); Cordoba, Argentina (December, 2006); Manila, the Philippines (December 2008); Valencia, Spain (July 2011); outside Delhi, India (December 2013); in Eskişehir, Turkey (July 2015); in Puebla and Tlaxcala, Mexico (December 2017); in Bandung, Indonesia (December 2019), Virtually (June 2020) and Stellenbosch, South Africa (December 2022).

The 12th Worldwide GAJE Conference will be held in Warsaw, Poland (22-27 July 2024), go to 12th WWC Conference.

GAJE has also sponsored regional conferences in Australia, the United States, Poland, and India, and has co-sponsored conferences with other institutions and organizations also interested in justice education.

For further information about past GAJE conferences, including reports on past conferences, go to Past Conferences.

For information about upcoming conferences of interest to GAJE members, go to Upcoming Conferences.

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