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  • 13 Jan 2025 06:31 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    CALL FOR PROPOSALS opened for the 12th GAJE WWC Conference, organised between the 22-27 July 2025 together with the ENCLE and FUPP at the Faculty of Law of Lazarski University, in Warsaw, Poland. For more information go to Call for Proposals

    DEADLINE: 15th February 2025!!

  • 29 May 2024 06:11 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The GAJE Steering Committee and the Conference Planning Committee are pleased to announce that the 12th GAJE Global Conference will be held in co-operation with the Faculty of Law of Lazarski University, in Warsaw, Poland. 

    The Conference will take place between 23rd and 26th 2025. The Training of Trainers is planned on 22nd and 27th July 2025 (day before and after the conference). 

    The conference is planed as a in-person participation only. The ‘Call for Proposals’ and registration details will be announced soon at More information are coming soon...

  • 8 Sep 2023 15:24 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Professor David McQuoid-Mason, Professor Emeritus of the Commonwealth Legal Education Association (CLEA) and GAJE Director Emeritus, recently received the ALM Law.Com International: The African Legal Awards 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award, hosted by the Corporate Counsel Association of South Africa (CCASA) in Johannesburg, South Africa on 1 September 2023. The Ceremony formed part of the International Corporate Counsel awards for different categories of law firms and lawyers from all over Africa, and was attended by over 300 lawyers. He was introduced by one of the judges for the Award, Attorney Ntsako Msomi, Senior Legal Counsel at the South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), an ex-law student of his.

    In his acceptance speech McQuoid-Mason when thanking the organizers, mentioned that it was a particularly pleasing event because it was also the 50th Anniversary of when he founded the then University of Natal, Durban (now University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban) Campus Law Clinic, which led him to assist with the establishment of law clinics in over 60 countries in Africa and world-wide, and Street law programmes in over 45 countries. In addition, it was the 40th Anniversary of when he became Dean of Law at the University of Natal, that led him to Nelson Mandela, whose son was a law student, and participation in the United Democratic Front and Mass Democratic Movement during the Struggle years. He also paid tribute to the other former South African awardees of the Lifetime Achievement Awards, all of whom he knew personally and admired: Former Constitutional Court Justice Albie Sachs; Former National Chair of Lawyers for Human Rights Advocate George Bizos; Former Deputy Chief Justice Digang Moseneke; Former Public Protector Advocate Thuli Madonsela, Former Chief Justice Moegeng Moegeng; and former Constitutional Court Justice Edwin Cameron.

    Shortly before Ceremony McQuoid-Mason spoke to one of his ex-students, Attorney Greg Nott, of Norton Rose Attorneys, who had acted pro bono for Castor Semenya for many years, and to whom McQuoid- Mason had provided an opinion on the Medico-legal aspects of Semenya’s partly successful appeal to the European Court of Human Rights.

    McQuoid-Mason said of the occasion, that there were four things that impressed him greatly: Firstly, it was encouraging to see how many entries there were from law firms and individuals from all over the African continent. Secondly, it was impressive how many so-called ‘White’ South African law firms, were empowering and promoting young Black African lawyers, and elevating some of them to very senior positions. Thirdly, he was pleased to learn that some of the South African law firms had branches in other parts of Africa. Finally, he was pleasantly surprised and humbled when about 20 of his ex-law students, many of whom were in very senior legal positions, came up to him afterwards to congratulate him on his Award.

  • 15 Feb 2023 17:29 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The GAJE conference may take place either in July 2024 or December 2024 or July 2025, preferably in one of the regions and/or countries that the Worldwide GAJE conferences has not been held in recently (the list of the past conferences is on the GAJE website: conferences/past-conferences/)

    Proposals should come from a person or group of persons that would constitute the core of the Local Organizing Committee, including one person who may serve as the chair or co-chair of the Conference Planning Committee.

    The proposal needs to be submitted with on the Request for Proposals to host the 12th Worldwide GAJE Conference Form.

    Call for Proposals (12thWWconference).docx

    The submission would include the following information:

    1) Information on past experience in organizing international conferences, including what size and which partners were involved.

    2) Local infrastructure for the conference (meeting rooms, hotels, dining, etc.).

    3) Estimate of the cost for the following items:

    • per-person cost of conference meals (opening and closing conference dinners, lunch on full days, coffee/tea breaks);
    • local transportation (airport transfers for delegates, hotel-to-meeting (if required), etc.);
    • accommodations (include a range of low- to medium-cost hotels, plus any dormitory or similar very-low-cost facilities that might be available);
    • conference supplies (official program, badges, etc.);
    • basic information about the plane tickets cost to that country from 12 cities, i.e.: Bangkok or Singapore, Beijing, Buenos Aires, Frankfurt or Munich, Johannesburg, Lagos, Mexico City, Mumbai, Nairobi, New York, Cape-Town, Sydney 

    4) Support expected from the host institution (financial and/or in-kind), including use of support staff, phones, fax, etc.

    5) Proposed outline of local content for the conference program. Although not required, proposals that include supporting an ongoing and/or challenging law school project or initiative to reform legal education and/or to promote social justice and community legal empowerment in the host country or region will be favored.

    6) Although not required, proposals will receive favorable consideration if they include one of more letters of support from foundations or other potential sponsors who would fund some or all of conference expenses such as food and facility costs (thus enabling registration fees to be used primarily to provide travel scholarships).

    Deadline for proposals will be April 3, 2023.  All proposals will be reviewed by the Site Selection Committee, which will select a winner and runner-up.  The final selection will be made by the full Steering Committee.

    We are also ready to answer any questions you may have about the process, including modifying the information provided, if necessary, given your particular situation.

    Please send the conference proposals to those 2 addresses:


    With kind regards,

    Odi Lagi & Uli Stege

    Co-Presidents of GAJE

  • 5 Apr 2022 15:01 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Steering Committee is delighted to announce the 11th GAJE Worldwide Conference in collaboration with IJCLE and Stellenbosch Faculty of Law, which will be held in Stellenbosch, South Africa, the week of December 11-15, 2022.  

    The conference will be held in a hybrid format, consisting of in-person and virtual participation.

    Mark your calendars. Registration details and call for proposals will be announced soon at

    More information coming soon……..

    Thank you.

    Conference Planning Committee

  • 26 Feb 2021 20:17 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are happy to announce our jointly Worldwide Online Conference organized by GAJE in partnership with the International Journal of Clinical Legal Education (IJLCE) and the Association for Canadian Clinical Legal Education (ACCLE) on 16th, 17th and 18th June 2021. The conference is hosted and organized with the technical support of the Northumbria University (UK).  We attach full details about the conference and look forward to being able to connect with you this year.  

    The conference will feature opportunities to connect with justice educators from around the world using the new symposia format and our usual interactive workshops, both especially designed for online interaction. Please see the call for proposals for the submission requirements

    The pandemic sadly ‘challenges’ our ability to meet in person but we sincerely hope we have turned this into an opportunity for everyone from everywhere to take part this year.

    Best wishes, 

    Uli Stege

    (on behalf of the Conference Planning Committee)

  • 27 Feb 2020 13:50 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    GAJE Co-presidents Lisa Bliss and Filip Czernicki announced the establishment of the Menon Award for the Advancement of Justice Education Worldwide, named in honor of the late Professor Dr. N.R. Madhava Menon who passed away on May 8, 2019.  The announcement was part of a program celebrating Dr. Menon during the opening plenary session of the 10th Worldwide Conference at Bandung.  Widely known as “the father of modern legal education in India,” Dr. Menon was devoted throughout his career to the twin causes of social justice and legal education.  As both a professor and a legal education reformer, he sought to integrate legal aid and legal education by championing clinical legal education.  In India, he established a system of national law schools with a curriculum formed around educating law students for social justice; through international collaborations with legal educators around the world he was a leader in promoting a global clinical movement.  He was thus remembered by a panel of colleagues and friends as the “guiding light” GAJE.

    Frank Bloch, Professor Emeritus at Vanderbilt University (USA), was named by the GAJE Board of Directors as the inaugural recipient of the Menon Award.  Professor Bloch was among an international group of law teachers who founded GAJE in the late 1990s and has been a part of the GAJE leadership throughout its history.  Together with Dr. Menon, he co-chaired GAJE’s Inaugural Worldwide Conference held in Thiruvananthapuram, India, in 1999.

    10th Worldwide GAJE Conference held in Bandung, Indonesia on 4-10 December 2019

    GAJE’s 10th Worldwide Conference, celebrating GAJE’s 20th Anniversary, took place in Bandung, Indonesia from the 4th through the 10th of December 2019 on the campus of Pasundan University.  As with past worldwide conferences, the conference consisted of two parts: a General Conference, with plenaries and concurrent sessions on various themes and topics (4-8 December), and a Training-of-Trainers (TOT) workshop on practical aspects for implementing justice education, including clinical teaching methods (9-10 December).

    Further information about the conference is available on the current 10th Conference Page; a full report on the conference will be posted on the Past Conferences Page when the report has been completed. 

  • 25 Feb 2020 13:51 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    GAJE’s 10th Worldwide Conference, celebrating GAJE’s 20th Anniversary, took place in Bandung, Indonesia from the 4th through the 10th of December 2019 on the campus of Pasundan University.  As with past worldwide conferences, the conference consisted of two parts: a General Conference, with plenaries and concurrent sessions on various themes and topics (4-8 December), and a Training-of-Trainers (TOT) workshop on practical aspects for implementing justice education, including clinical teaching methods (9-10 December).

    Further information about the conference is available on the current 10th Conference Page; a full report on the conference will be posted on the Past Conferences Page when the report has been completed.

  • 21 Feb 2020 13:52 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    GAJE held its 9th Worldwide Conference on the campuses of Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey in Puebla and Universidad Autónoma of Tlaxcala in Tlaxcala. The theme of the conference was “Breaking Down Walls: The Transformative Power of Justice Education” and consisted of both a General Conference and a Training-of-Trainers Workshop.

    For more information, click here

  • 8 Feb 2020 14:03 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Oxford University Press has published THE GLOBAL CLINICAL MOVEMENT: EDUCATING LAWYERS FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE (Frank S. Bloch ed. 2011), an edited volume with contributions by GAJE members from around the world. 

    THE GLOBAL CLINICAL MOVEMENT describes the central concepts, goals, and methods of clinical legal education from a global perspective, with a particular emphasis on its social justice mission.  With chapters written by leading clinical legal educators from every region of the world, the book demonstrates how the emerging global clinical movement can advance social justice through legal education.  The book also examines the influence of clinical legal education on the legal academy and the legal profession and charts the global clinical movement’s future role in educating lawyers for social justice.  Part I (The Global Reach of Clinical Legal Education) describes clinical legal education programs from every region of the world and discusses those qualities that are unique to a particular country or region.  Part II (The Justice Mission of Global Clinical Education) discusses the various ways that clinical programs and the clinical methodology advance the cause of social justice around the world.  Part III (The Global Clinical Movement and Educating Lawyers for Social Justice) analyzes the current state of the global clinical movement and sets out an agenda for the movement to advance social justice through socially relevant legal education.

    All royalties from the book have been assigned to GAJE.

    For more information about the book, go to:

    The book can be purchased with a discount at:

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